The Story

Villagers in Myanmar face many of the same challenges as Cambodians do, but are also faced with a civil war in their country that has killed thousands of people. Homes, churches, and villages have been burned, pastors and many Christians have been killed. Many in Myanmar are stuck in a cycle of poverty, poor health, and lack of education. Social unrest and other factors make it extremely hard to break the cycle without help.

Cambodia Impact is partnering in the ministry of two men who are called by God to serve the vulnerable people in Myanmar.

NOTE: Due to the on-going conflict in Myanmar, we’re minimizaing the information we can share at this time.


Joshua was a teacher at a local Bible school until he and his family were called to a remote and entirely non-Christian village to share the love of Jesus Christ. Joshua now pastors a local church and Cambodia Impact provided the funds to build this church a new building for ministry.


Cyrus is also a Bible teacher who knows 15 languages. He and his family live in a rural area outside the capital city of Yangon. Cyrus’ primary ministry is helping suffering children, welcoming into their ministry any child who is unsafe, abandoned, or whose parents have been killed.

The Goal

The goal of Cambodia Impact is to support the work of these two godly men as they reach out to their communities with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Is God prompting you to participate in the support of His work in Myanmar?


the ongoing impact in Myanmar

Fund the ministry in Myanmar

Any gift amount will go towards supporting the work of these two godly men as they reach their local communities of Myanmar with the Good News of Jesus Christ.


Every donation matters

Your gift might make all the difference.
