The Story
In the country of Cambodia, there are many poor widows who are usually illiterate, have no transportation, no job skills, and often have several children. This need was what led to the sewing project ministry starting in 2013 in the remote village of Svay Kang. This ministry is overseen by Pastor Ry Saran and his wife, Sophanet, and is located behind the Svay Kang church on the outskirts of Battambang.
The project originated with Sophanet and her vision to help support widows with a self-supporting business. Cambodia Impact provided a small loan, which allowed the purchase of five sewing machines and sewing materials needed to create products for the local markets. The sewing actually took place in Pastor Saran’s church building when it was not being used for worship and teaching.
The sewing center provides a place that these local widows can walk to, bring their children with them, and learn to sew. Half of the sewing machines are the old treadle type since many home have no electricity. Many of the ladies take a sewing machine back to their home and do their sewing there. The products are then sold at the local market.
The creation of jobs for needy Cambodians is a successful ministry approach and provides a unique way for Cambodia Impact to assist the poor. When those unable to find work are enabled to become employed, dignity is gained through acquiring new job skills, a sense of hope for the future is developed, lives are rebuilt and connections are often made with a local church that honors Christ.
The Impact Today
The sewing project has been a huge success. Cambodia Impact provided the initial loan funding to purchase the sewing machines and even a small truck to deliver products to local markets. The original loan was paid back ahead of schedule, and Cambodia Impact has continued to provide separate loans for sewing materials and supplies. Currently, dozens of village ladies use 32 sewing machines to produce a variety of products for local markets. In addition, there are currently several youth in the area who are learning to sew as a job skill. Many youth don’t finish school so the sewing center provides a way for them to learn a job skill.
Would you consider supporting this project so we can develop ways to employ more villagers?
the ongoing impact of the Sewing Project
Fund Monthly Expenses
This gift covers the entire sewing operation's monthly expenses for one month for all the sewing ladies.
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