Newsletter | August 2022
We need your help! We’ve just returned from our recent trip to Cambodia and have so much to tell you. But first we must share a pressing need.
A Bible in Cambodia costs $10. Many small house churches have no Bibles or songbooks, and no means to teach the Word of God beyond the verbal ministry of our Cambodian leaders on Sundays. Part of our work in these villages is to provide the basic materials needed to help the local church flourish. We look for needs and work to fill them.
Many Cambodians are making the decision to follow Christ and the local church is flourishing. We know that Bibles are key to the growth of the local church. In rural Cambodian villages, many are illiterate but even those who can read don’t usually have a Cambodian Bible. We want to come alongside the churches in the villages we serve to help them get Bibles into the hands of these new Christians.
With this in mind, we’re trusting God to provide 5,000 Bibles at $10 each. That’s $50,000, a large sum of money but we know that God through His people is more than able to provide the funds to purchase these Bibles. Would you help us achieve our goal?
Make a one-time or recurring donation
We have seen firsthand how Bibles can make a difference. We recently distributed Bibles to some of the house churches we support in rural areas. The smiles and appreciation of those who received these Bibles were precious and motivated us to continue our effort to get Bibles into the hands of our new Christian brothers and sisters in Cambodia. We cannot do this alone. Please join us as we work to provide Bibles to the rural villages of Cambodia. Your support will give many the Good News, and the ability to grow in their faith and learn the eternal truths of our Lord.
May the new believers flourish and grow in their walk with Jesus!
Blessings in Christ,
John & Linda Grover
“I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin again you." Psalm 119:11
“Your Word is a lamp for my feet and, and a light on my path." Psalm 119:105