Newsletter | January 2023
Happy New Year! As we close the chapter on 2022 and launch into a new year I’m reminded of the early days of the Cambodia Impact mission: to find and care for the most vulnerable children in rural Battambang. The task was enormous but the rewards have been incredible! In the beginning there were 10 children at Antioch Orphanage and now most of them are grown up and launching into life as young adults.
Now there are 64 children who live in safety at Antioch Orphanage with loving house-parents, plenty of food, and access to a good education. These kids are flourishing and full of hope for a bright future, a future that looked bleak before we found them and brought them into our care.
We have also focused a lot of time and attention in the rural villages of Cambodia. These villages are the source of so much heartache and trauma as poverty decimates the family unit. Fathers are forced to go to other countries to find work. Mothers are left behind to fend for themselves, often without means or opportunity to support themselves and their kids. These are often the families that lose children to the sex trade and forced labor. The end result is living incredibly difficult and heartrending lives of suffering and shame.
2023 promises to be a big year in so many ways. While our focus remains the same in caring for those who need a champion the most, we know that the mission cannot be completed without your partnership. The opportunities to grow the ministry in more villages are great. The fields are ripe for harvest and our Cambodian ministry partners are passionate about reaching their nation for Christ.
Thank you for your support, encouragement, and confidence in this ministry! We covet your prayers and appreciate your interest when you reach out to us to learn more about Cambodia Impact.
Please continue to support these dear children and the other outreach efforts in Cambodia through your prayers and financial support. Together we are making a difference!
May our Lord bless you richly in this new year as you live and love for Jesus!
In Him,
John & Linda Grover
“For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for His name in serving the saints, as you still do.” Hebrews 6:10