Newsletter | October 2022
This past July we were excited to be part of a baptism service for Cambodians in the northern town of Sisophon. Held at a local water park, 75 new believers joined together to participate in Christian baptism.
At the baptism we enjoyed a brief service, sang worship songs together and then celebrated as our Cambodian brothers and sisters were baptized one after another. Many were youth from local villages. This celebration was truly the culmination of much outreach and discipleship in the villages around the area.
In addition to this large baptism, we also sponsored two more baptism services for another 59 Cambodians, including 42 youth in one province alone. In all, 134 Cambodians were baptized. Each baptism was a joyful time of laughter, tears, food and fellowship as our Cambodian friends identified with Christ in a public profession of faith. What a great time! Please join us as we pray that this group will continue to grow in their faith and be fruitful in living for Jesus.
Like our churches, there are multiple ways the local church in Cambodia conducts a baptism service. Some churches build a temporary pond with tarps and fill it with water.
Others use a water storage pot commonly used in Cambodia to collect and store rain water.
Others travel to a river or lake to conduct the service there.
Please join us in celebrating and praying for the growing church in Cambodia. Local Bible studies and house churches are producing much fruit as they share the “Living Water” with the many villages and communities where we work. Thank you for praying for and supporting this work. It is changing lives as we together care for the dear people of Cambodia.
Blessings in Christ,
John & Linda Grover
“I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin again you." Psalm 119:11
“Your Word is a lamp for my feet and, and a light on my path." Psalm 119:105