Newsletter | September 2023
What an amazing and fruitful trip!
Our team has been very busy in Cambodia with many activities and a lot of traveling each day. Starting in the capital city of Phnom Penh, we visited Dump Hill, conducted a medical clinic outreach, attended a Vacation Bible School (VBS) outreach to local children, and spent time together as a team processing all we had experienced as we traveled to many rural villages and regions around Cambodia.
Our team
Scanning the photo from left to right, our team included Samantha and Josh Smith; Jeff Foster; myself and my wife, Linda; and Dr. Robert Chin. We are thankful for each of these who has demonstrated a great interest and passion for this ministry in Cambodia and has been helpful in advancing the efforts of Cambodia Impact.
Medical Mission Outreach
Dr. Robert Chin, a Cambodia Impact board member, and Dr. Chea Sineth examined over 110 patients who needed basic health services at the clinic hosted by Faithful Family of Christ Church (FFCC). A great team of Cambodians, along with our team, provided consultations, diagnoses, distribution of medications, and prayer for each patient.
Samantha Smith assisted with the distribution of medicines to each patient.
Jeff Foster helping at VBS
Our team participated in Summer Kidz, a VBS outreach to Cambodian children in Sen Sok. We joined the local team from FFCC to host an outstanding day of laughter and joy for the kids. Lessons from the Bible were presented and many kids responded to the invitation to receive Jesus.
Church-planting strategy session
We spent time with Chanthy, our ministry leader in the northern city of Poipet. We talked about the opportunities and challenges of planting churches, building a strong foundation of healthy village life in the communities we serve, protecting vulnerable children, and educating local at-risk youth.
Pastor Ry Saran (left) and his wife, Sophinet, on the right
Pastor Saran's outreach team
Our dear friend and brother, Pastor Ry Saran, and his team are doing some amazing and special work in the rural villages of Svay Kang. Many local Cambodians continue to receive Christ and are coming to the daily Bible studies Saran leads. Please pray for Pastor Saran as he is facing health challenges, including complete kidney failure. Prayers for him and his family are appreciated!
A reminder of God's love
Cambodia Impact has now installed 57 of the 64 toilets planned for this year in rural villages. Thank you to all who have contributed to this crucial outreach to rural villages that have no sanitation facilities. A plaque is placed on each toilet to remind the villagers that we love and care for them.
Sunrise in Phnom Penh
Sunrises over the Mekong River in Phnom Penh are strikingly beautiful. God is at work bringing his love and grace to the people of Cambodia.
We extend our appreciation to all of you who participate in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in this nation. You are loved and important to this ministry!
John & Linda Grover
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." (Ephesians 2:10)